WARP Services

All WARPs are based around three key services Warnings, Advice and Reporting. What differs amongst WARPs is the way in which these services are delivered. Found out more below the services that we provide to our members and why believe you will get the most out of an NLAWARP affiliated WARP.

NLAWARP Core Services

Security Alerts

Receive news of software vulnerabilities, major cyber security incidents and other security hot topics directly to your mailbox.

Trusted Sharing

Build trusted relationships with other nearby local authorities to share experiences and knowledge.

Incident reporting

Your local WARP can facilitate the sharing of information about security incidents with other members of the WARP community. This helps others to be prepared in case something similar happens to them.

Face to face meetings

While online services have their place, nothing beats face to face meetings to build a sense of community. Network with your peers in neighbouring local authorities, hear about security trends and hot topics from external speakers, and put faces to the names of the people you’ve been collaborating with online.

Trusted Sharing

Our KTAC collaboration platform facilitates the online sharing of information, experiences and knowledge amongst WARP members. Our platform hosts a number of different WARPs, with some areas closed for discussion only between members of WARPs in a local area and other areas that are open to members of any WARP affiliated with us.

KTAC is only accessible to members of our WARP community; public sector employees, so you won’t find vendors selling the latest and greatest tools or recruiters looking for a new applicant. It’s a great way to build a community between colleagues locally and nationally.

Security Alerts

There’s a wealth of security information out there, but trawling the web to find it takes time. With our alerting service, we do the trawling for you. Alerts about security vulnerabilities, emerging threats and other topical news are delivered direct to your mail box. Think there’s something we should be alerting on that we don’t at the moment? Let us know.

Incident reporting

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) advises that critical incidents should be reported to GovCertUK for attention as well as the local WARP operator. All other incidents should be communicated to your Local WARP operator who will then discuss with you about sharing anonymised information other authority members so that they can take steps to protect themselves if necessary.

The NLAWARP is operated by a CCP accredited consultant, with more than 20 years of experience in Local Government, information security and emergency planning. So you can be confident that if you request it to be, your information will be kept confidential, and that we can help you with sound advice on effectively responding to your incident in a way that minimises impact to you.

Face to Face meetings

While online services have their place, nothing beats face to face meetings to build a sense of community. Network with your peers in neighbouring local authorities, hear about security trends and hot topics from external speakers, and put faces to the names of the people you’ve been collaborating with online.

Our face-to-face meetings tend to be themed around security hot topics, but we’re lead by the community. If there’ is a particular topic you’d like to discuss, lets us know.

Past presenters include representatives of the NCSC, the Cabinet Office, academics and think-tanks, but the real value isn’t just in hearing what the thought leaders think, its in sharing ideas and challenging the established wisdom in a safe environment.